Technology is our beat.
Technology rocks.

And we rock technology. With high-tech industrial solutions. From Schalksmühle to the whole world. Want to join us?

Product catalogue

Browse through our product catalogue online and learn more about the SOMA flexAssistant Software Suite.

KOSTAL Industrie
Elektrik Case Study

Read our case study to discover how flexAssistant
made the assembly of frequency converters
became paperless.

WILO Case Study

Discover in our case study how the renowned pump manufacturer WILO optimises its production with flexAssistant.

Discover SOMA: Virtual tour

Explore SOMA in virtual reality with our VR tour.

The flexAssistant worker assistance system enables digital worker guidance

Digital assistance systems enable reliable and efficient digitalisation of manual production. SOMA flexAssistant is a worker guidance and modular assistance software suite for assembly, production, or packaging that works independently of the industry.

Digital worker guidance and manual production rethought. Experience the SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance system with Pick by Light module.

Overview of SOMA flexAssistant assembly assistant

  • Assembly assistant for every industry
  • Higher production quality
  • Simple pick by light assembly
  • Smart tools
  • Improved employee safety
  • A pick by light assembly system reduces picking costs
  • SOMA flexAssistant enables real-time monitoring of picking
  • Flexibly combine software and hardware
The assembly software Suite 4.0 flexAssistant is the digital and industry-independent solution for worker assistance.

A worker assistance system that is as flexible and modular as your requirements

flexAssistant is the digital worker guidance system from SOMA and maps manual work steps completely digitally: from production to packaging to documentation. In the process, flexAssistant coordinates complex processes and all production sequences in the factory, helps train employees and guides your staff in assembly and production.

Our flexible and modular worker assistance systems enable the retrieval of relevant process parameters, component queries, provide digital work instructions as well as insight into planned routes of an AGV – flexAssistant worker assistance helps you to plan and execute your processes flexibly and reliably. For this purpose, the SOMA worker assistance system provides everything necessary for production, testing, packaging and documentation within the company.

Digital assistance systems in production

With flexAssistant, you can integrate almost any hardware and enrich your manual production process completely digitally. Visual assembly instructions in paperless manufacturing, pick-to-light assembly and systems as well as intelligent screwdriving systems support workers in their assembly tasks.

Production assistance systems: Robotic assistants can also be integrated into complex processes with the help of flexAssistant. This allows you to expand from manual to semi-automated production without any system changes.

The flexAssistant worker software provides a fully scalable range of possibilities for digital worker assistance, with many advanced features. Our industry-independent worker assistance system is available in three different solutions, all of which can be tailored to your needs.

The worker assistant software is based on the National Instruments industry standard and replaces the paper-based instructions and documentation with a digital assembly guide. The worker receives all relevant information about the current component as well as necessary work steps to be carried out at the assembly station from the assembly assistant via a monitor.
The worker assistant software is based on the National Instruments industry standard and replaces the paper-based instructions and documentation with a digital assembly guide. The worker receives all relevant information about the current component as well as necessary work steps to be carried out at the assembly station from the assembly assistant via a monitor.

The flexAssistant worker assistance system always provides the right solution

This can be implemented either as a software suite for worker guidance, a worker guidance system through digital retrofitting or a complete WorkBench system.

Digital worker assistance for anyone who wants to digitally integrate their existing production or assembly.

Worker assistance software suite

Digital worker assistance for anyone who wants to digitally integrate their existing production or assembly.

Flexible solutions for those who simply want to digitally upgrade their manual production.

Digital worker guidance as retrofit set

A flexible solutions for those who simply want to digitally upgrade their manual production or assembly.

Worker assistance complete system

This is a complete system to assist workers who want to digitize their manual production from scratch.

Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Contact me

Advice on the flexAssistant worker assistance system

Do you have questions about our worker assistance system and individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Please contact me.

Your personal contact partner

Michael Penzel
Phone: +49 2355 50828-973

Discover flexAssistant – the product catalogue and case study of the assistance system

Learn more about the SOMA flexAssistant in our digital product catalogue or in the following case study of the renowned pump manufacturer WILO.

flexAssistant product catalogue

Product Catalog

Browse through our product catalogue online and learn more about the SOMA flexAssistant Software Suite, the digital worker assistance.

WILO Case Study

WILO Case Study

Learn in our digital case study how the renowned pump manufacturer WILO optimises its production with the SOMA flexAssistant.

Digital assistance systems as assembly control in Industry 4.0

Digital worker assistance for digital assembly in industrial productions

The digital assembly software suite flexAssistant, developed by SOMA, is specifically designed to meet the requirements of manual assembly steps in industrial series production. The flexAssistant concept combines decades of experience as a plant manufacturer for international industrial customers. We have developed an assembly assistant system in collaboration with our customers, which makes worker guidance suitable for Industry 4.0 and beyond and is already successfully in use.

Adapt production processes with open standards

The SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance software is created as an open system based on the test management software TestStand from National Instruments. We help you to define production processes autonomously and to be able to carry out later adaptations independently. We accompany you only until you are able to stand on your own two feet with your digital worker guidance. Of course, we are always available to answer any questions you may have afterwards.

Visual assembly assistant makes the difference

We know what it takes to get assembly instructions right and have developed flexAssistant so that your employees can be guided as far as possible, regardless of language. This is because visual information can be clearly interpreted across countries and cultures, leading to fewer misunderstandings and significantly improved quality. In addition, flexAssistant supports the training of employees.

With or without hardware? Worker guidance software or complete system

It is up to you. In addition to the interactive software tool "flexAssistant", our portfolio offers you delivery on a touch panel PC in two sizes. SOMA can also design a complete workstation system for you. The SOMA flex WorkBench system, which is configured by our consultants according to your requirements, includes the software and a fully equipped workstation.

Production assistance systems: Pick by light assembly

Assistance systems have become an indispensable part of modern production environments. They increase efficiency, improve accuracy and reduce workload. One of the most popular assembly assistance systems is the Pick by Light (PBL) system. Pick by Light systems reduce assembly errors and increase worker satisfaction.

Assembly assistant: flexible, digital, reliable

Assistance systems are improving production in many industries. As an assembly assistant, flexAssistant offers numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and quality, as well as reduced error rates. Workers receive supporting information directly at the assembly station, simplifying and speeding up the work process. The complete digitalisation means that assembly processes can be better monitored and controlled.

Features of the flexAssistant system

  • Pick to light assembly
  • Pick by light assembly
  • Pick to voice assembly
  • TAW (partial presence)
  • Scanner and label printer
  • Smart tools (screwdriving systems with position and value monitoring)
  • Parameterisation instead of programming
  • Expandable to SOMA flex - WorkBench System

Advantages flexAssistant worker assistance system

Get started faster and produce more effectively with digital worker guidance

With the SOMA flexAssistant suite, you are simply productive faster. We configure your digital workplace so that your fitters feel right at home: No lengthy development times, no elaborate training, no high friction losses during implementation and employee training. We make sure that you produce more effectively than before in no time at all. And the best thing is: when the work is easier, it is simply more fun.

With the SOMA flexAssistant suite, you are simply productive faster.
The flexAssistant worker software is parameterisable and allows workflows to be easily adapted without any programming knowledge.

Easier to adapt - worker guidance as flexible as your business

Every business works differently. The flexAssistant worker software is parameterisable and allows workflows to be easily adapted without any programming knowledge. This allows you to react quickly and independently to new requirements. With this flexibility and simplicity, flexAssistant is the intelligent control centre for all your manual production steps and can be expanded step by step into a complete digital factory workplace with MEW integration.

Worldwide used

flexAssistant speaks your languages if you produce at multiple locations around the world. The user interface was designed from the outset for international use and is available in all common languages. The flexAssistant suite was also designed from the outset to standardise workflows in international companies.

The user interface was designed from the outset for international use and is available in all common languages.

More advantages of flexAssistant

  • Visual assistance and digital work instructions of assembly tasks as worker assistance for manual assembly

  • Avoid production errors: Errors during assembly are recognised and made visible until they are corrected

  • Runs with almost any hardware, as an industry-independent solution for worker assistance
  • Intuitive worker assistance helps you be productive faster

  • Complete process traceability of all work steps

  • Information retrieval for optimisation of tools, materials or sequences even in complex processes

  • SOMA at your side as an experienced partner in industrial production
Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Contact me

Advice on the flexAssistant worker assistance system

Do you have questions about our worker assistance system and individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Please contact me.

Your personal contact partner

Michael Penzel
Phone: +49 2355 50828-973

Your employees as experts

We like to share our knowledge. Whether it is the introduction of new production lines or optimization of existing stations, we have the right package for you.

We like to share our knowledge. Whether it is the introduction of new production lines or optimization of existing stations, we have the right package for you.

For example: Training package "Base"

One-day training for 1-4 employees

  • Day 1: Basic structure, creating processes, changing existing processes, training materials

For example: Training package "Advance"

Two-day training for 1-4 employees

  • Day 1: Basic structure, creating processes, changing existing processes, training materials

  • Day 2: Advanced functions, debugging, operation, component manager

Exhibition calendar

Date Exhibition / Topics Location Information
25. – 26. February 2025 all about automation
Testing Technology
Friedrichshafen, Germany Learn more
24. – 27. June 2025 automatica
Dosing Technology, Worker Assistance
Munich, Germany Learn more
17. – 18. September 2025 all about automation
Testing Technology
Duesseldorf, Germany Learn more
07. – 09. October 2025 Motek
Dosing Technology, Worker Assistance
Stuttgart, Germany Learn more
18. – 21. November 2025 productronica
Testing Technology, Automation, Worker Assistance
Munich, Germany Learn more
SOMA engineering from Germany: Innovative solutions for testing technology, automation technology, dosing technology and worker assistance in production.

50 years of innovation and expertise

SOMA represents (special) mechanical engineering with the service concept "TECHNOLOGY JUST FOR YOU". Our team is proud to be a system supplier for industrial testing and product-specific automation systems for mechatronic and electronic products. We are also a leading manufacturer of innovative and patented dosing technology and worker assistance systems for production. For half a century, your needs have been the motivation for us to be your reliable partner with innovation, passion and teamwork.

Discover SOMA: Virtual tour

Visit SOMA in the virtual reality. Discover our company and services interactively on our VR tour. Explore the world of SOMA on your own or take a guided live tour by appointment.

Values and certified quality

Certified according to ISO 9001

The TÜV Nord certifies the SOMA management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 with the quality certificate.

Code of Conduct

At SOMA and KOSTAL, acting in accordance with the law and with integrity are not policy, but values that have been lived for generations.

Discover all SOMA business units and solutions

Company website of SOMA GmbH

SOMA is an independent company under the umbrella of the KOSTAL Group and has been a system supplier of test and automation systems and manufacturer of innovative and patented dosing technology since 50 years.

Test systems and Automation

Margin pressure and ever stricter specifications are forcing companies to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. The "zero defect" requirement is the starting point of targeted test methods for fault detection.

Process reliable dosing systems

Lubricants are used in all situations where friction forces are created as a result of movements and actuations in mechanical or mechatronic products. We have suitable dosing products to ensure process reliability.